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Top 10 Reasons Why Dogs Make Great Pets

written by Tori Holmes

Dogs have earned their title as "man’s best friend" for a reason. They’re loyal, loving, and bring endless joy to our lives. Whether you’re considering adopting a dog or simply want to celebrate a furry friend you already have, here are the top 10 reasons why dogs make great pets.


1. Unconditional love and loyalty

Dogs are known for their unwavering loyalty and affection. They form strong bonds with their owners and are always there to offer comfort, whether you’ve had a tough day or just need a cuddle. But these feelings of love aren’t one-sided. According to a study published in Science Magazine, dogs’ brains release oxytocin (also known as the "love hormone") when interacting with their owners, just like humans do when they feel love and connection. 


2. They’re great for your health

Owning a dog can improve your physical and mental health. Studies show that dog owners tend to have lower blood pressure, reduced stress levels, and a decreased risk of heart disease. The American Heart Association has even found that dog ownership is associated with a 24% reduced risk of all-cause mortality.


3. They keep you active

Dogs need daily exercise, which means you’ll naturally become more active as well. Whether it’s a walk around the block, a game of fetch, or a hike in the woods, dogs encourage you to get moving. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), dog owners are more likely to meet their daily physical activity requirements than non-dog owners. 


4. They’re social icebreakers

Dogs are natural conversation-starters. Taking your dog to the park or on a walk often leads to interactions with other dog lovers, which can help reduce feelings of loneliness and improve your social life. A survey by the University of Western Australia found that dog owners are more likely to get to know their neighbors and form friendships through their pets. 


5. They provide emotional support

Dogs are incredibly intuitive and can sense when their owners are feeling down. This is why many dogs are successfully trained as emotional support animals (ESAs) to help people with anxiety, depression, or PTSD. Their ability to pick up on subtle changes in body language, tone of voice, and even scent allows them to provide comfort and companionship during difficult times. This natural empathy, combined with their loyalty, makes dogs uniquely suited to offer emotional stability and a sense of security to those in need.


6. They’re great for kids 

Growing up with a dog can teach children responsibility, empathy, and compassion – as well as provide companionship that helps kids feel more secure. The daily routines of caring for a dog, such as feeding, walking, and playing, instill a sense of responsibility in children while also encouraging them to consider the needs of others, fostering empathy and compassion. Additionally, the unconditional love and companionship provided by a dog can help reduce stress and anxiety, contributing to healthier emotional and social growth in children.


7. They keep you safe

Dogs are natural protectors and will alert you to potential dangers. Dogs have an innate ability to sense threats and will often bark, growl, or position themselves between their family and perceived danger, showcasing these protective instincts. Research supports this, showing that homes with dogs are less likely to be burglarized, as the potential for noise and confrontation makes them a less appealing target for intruders.


8. They’re always happy to see you 

No matter how long you’ve been gone, your dog will greet you with excitement and wagging tails. This kind of enthusiasm can instantly brighten your day and make you feel appreciated. Studies have found that dogs show more affection and excitement toward their owners than toward strangers, proving just how special your bond is. 


9. They help you stick to a routine

Dogs thrive on routine, and having a pet can help you establish a daily schedule. The consistency of caring for a dog, such as regular meal times, exercise, and play, creates a predictable rhythm that can help you stay organized and focused throughout the day. This structured routine not only provides a sense of purpose but also reduces stress and improves time management, contributing to better mental well-being and overall productivity.


10. They bring joy to your life 

Last but certainly not least, dogs are simply fun to be around! Their playful antics, silly personalities, and boundless energy can bring laughter and happiness to even the gloomiest days. It surely comes as no surprise that a survey by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) found that 85% of dog owners say their pets make them happier overall. 


Dogs are more than just pets—they’re family. From improving your health to providing unconditional love, there’s no denying that dogs make life better. If you’re thinking about adding a furry friend to your home, consider adopting from a local shelter. Not only will you gain a loyal companion, but you’ll also give a dog a second chance at a happy life!

A person holding a black and white dog reaching for a Freshpet recipe.

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